Choose a class to view "class specific rules."
*All classes must run Maxxis Pink and Blues. Maximum tire circumference is 34.5".
Peewee Clone |
- Tires: Maxxis
- Age: 5 to 7
- Weight: 240 lbs.
- Engine: Clone
- Small pipe with red plate
- NKA Clone Rules
Jr 1 Clone |
- Tires: Maxxis
- Age: 7 to 10
- Weight: 265 lbs.
- Engine: Clone
- Small pipe w/ green plate
- NKA Clone Rules
Jr 2 Clone |
- Tires: Maxxis
- Age: 10 to 12
- Weight: 290 lbs.
- Engine: Clone
- Small pipe w/ purple plate
- NKA Clone Rules
Jr 3 Clone |
- Tires: Maxxis
- Age: 12 to 15
- Weight: 320 lbs.
- Engine: Clone.
- Small Pipe w/ blue plate.
- NKA Clone Rules
Adult Clone 375 |
- Tires: Maxxis
- Ages: 15+
- Weight: 375 lbs.
- Engine: Clone.
- Big Pipe
- NKA Clone Rules
Dyno Cams 212cc Ducar 375 |
- Tires: Maxxis
- Ages: 15+
- Weight: 375 lbs.
- Max jet size .029"
- Gear Rule: Any
- Maximum right rear tire diameter 34.5" (measured as raced)
- RPM rule on the governor
- RPM will be checked with a tach of the tracks choosing
- RPM max 5500
- An engine that is over the RPM mark will be disqualified. Arguing with tech over what's legal or not will not be tolerated. The governors must kick in when checked.
- The governor must be connected and operational
- The air filter must be a stock unit. The air filter and sock must be installed per factory. All holes to the air box must be plugged.
- The engine must have a key installed by factory in the flywheel.
- Gas Tank: Stock tank may be removed and an auxiliary tank mounted in the floor pan may be used. A top plate and fuel pump are allowed with the pump being pulsed off the valve cover only.
- May utilize stock OEM tank with the vent tube unplugged and fuel cap may be drilled for venting.
- Stock OEM exhaust system as from factory. No swapping of parts allowed.
- You may disconnect throttle stop screw.
- You can only bolt on a chain guard and throttle hook up attachment. No other aftermarket parts allowed!
- You can disconnect the wire used for oil sensor and tape it.
- Taping of the blower housing / recoil is not allowed.
- No wiring or zip tying of the governor spring allowed.
- If the engine is found to be illegal due to a known modification, you will be suspended from the class for the remainder of the season and fined $250.
- Any questions will ultimately refer to the Dyno Cams 212cc Ducar tech sheet.
Animal 425 |
- Tires: Maxxis
- Ages: 15+
- Weight: 425 lbs.
- Driver must weigh 200lbs without gear
- Engine: Animal
- WKA Animal Rules